Thursday, October 28, 2010

Addie's in Vogue

I think it is fair to say that as a child, I was never, ever, ever cool. I think this picture of me, circa 5th grade, will testify:

The photograph mostly cuts off my giant denim purse, which was, no joke, usually filled with large compendiums of Herman cartoons. Because I was a fifth-grader who effing loved one-panel comic strips about loose-jowled eldery men and their kerfrumpety wives.

So it pleases me to no end that, even at five months of age, Addie is already unspeakably cool. I gauge this how I gauge most things in my life-- how many accessories she has that have also been spotted as the accessories of celebrity babies.

For instance, I nearly peed my pants when I saw that she has the exact same blanket as Sandra Bullock's son:

Also, witness the awesomeness that is her having Sophie the Giraffe, just like whatever this child of Nicole Richie is named:

Clearly, Addie has more style and panache at five months than I managed to garner in all of my 31 years on this planet. Although let me give myself a little credit-- it's not as if she hand-picked these items herself (although to be fair, she actually received the Aden and Anais blanket as a gift from the awesome Denise Philipsen). Does this mean that I am just as stylish and au courant as Sandra and Nicole?

Obviously, yes. Not bad for a girl with a purse full of Hermans.


  1. I hit your blog from a cousins FB page and was blown out fo the water when I say your name "Kim" and your daughter's name "Addie"....because you see,I am a "Kym" and my daughter is "Addie" and I am tickled beyond ALL belief that someone else has a precious child that deserves to be loved.

    I also love your writing which also doesn't surprise me that it was noticed by my cousin who in her own right is a GREAT writer.


  2. Thank you, Kym! I'm so glad you like it! And I'm glad to know there's another Kym/Addie combo out there somewhere... we're like Bizarros!
